If for any reason you're not over-the-top satisfied with your experience at Sthenos Athletics, just let us know. We'll give you your money back with no questions asked (other than how we can improve and become better). Seriously.Our number one commitment is to your success. We're not satisfied until you're loving your experience and your results. In fact, if we're not the right fit, we'll even help you find somewhere that is. Why? Because we care about you and want nothing but the best for you.
Have a specific goal you want to achieve? A specific sport you play that you’d like to train for? Running a marathon? Want to train for a powerlifting meet? Are you into bodybuilding? Working through an injury? Or just want the fastest route possible to incredible results?
Whatever your specific goal is, we can help you through our remote coaching plans. Sit down with a coach to map out your goals and timeline, and then get
a program written specifically for you. Programs are delivered via a remote app every Sunday for the week, and can be done anywhere.
Programs are monitored weekly and monthly check-ins with your coach will ensure we’re on the right path.
Starts at $219/month for three training days a week
and up to $249/month for 4-5 training days per week.
You MUST be a self-starter to take advantage of this.
Get a 4-week program emailed to you to increase your strength and muscle mass.Choose three to six lifts and we’ll build out a plan for you to get stronger and look visibly stronger.
Call for a 15-20 minute consultation so a coach can design the best possible program for you.
Plans start at $99 for 3 lifts and up to $159 for 6 lifts.
Do a deep dive one on one with a coach and get total accountability. Hone in on specific techniques, or get a critical eye on your form. Drive home the skill.
Pricing starts at $85 per hour. Call for information and pricing on scheduling multiple sessions.